Releasing a Ruby api wrapper for Fattura24
Releasing a ruby gem to ease generation of electronic invoices for the italian market through the service.
Releasing a ruby gem to ease generation of electronic invoices for the italian market through the service.
Brief update on a Yeoman generator I just released, to bootstrap Ruby command line programs
Releasing a simple development canvas to start developing multiplatform audio apps with Chris "kcat" Robinson's OpenAL soft and Alure 2, allowing effects and HRTF.
Releasing a small library to load and render in an Android app OpenGL ES 3D text using Bitmap Fonts with Java (and Android)
A little insight on writing multi-platform apps with real time 3d rendering with web technologies
Discovering Jasonette, my journey in implementing an OAuth Facebook login example and contributions to the project
Releasing managed-xaudio2-hrtf, a first alpha version of a .NET library to render 3d positional audio with a very simple api
How to write a simple tcp client in Java, compatible with the Android platform with a very simple interface to use.